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Pilatesowa piła

Pilates Saw

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Pilates #PILATES #instruction #exercise

Instruction Pilates Saw

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Exercise description

Starting Position: Begin the Pilates Saw exercise seated on a mat with your legs extended straight in front of you, hip-width apart. Sit up tall, ensuring your spine is straight, and your shoulders are relaxed. Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Flex your feet, pointing your toes toward the ceiling. Execution: Inhale deeply to prepare for the movement, engaging your core muscles. As you exhale, twist your upper body to the right, leading with your chest, and pivot on your hips. Reach your left hand toward the outside of your right foot, aiming to touch your pinky finger to your pinky toe. Keep your right arm reaching behind you, in line with your shoulders. Imagine you are sawing off your little toe with your pinky finger as you twist. Inhale and hold the stretched position for a moment, feeling the stretch along your spine and hamstrings. Exhale as you untwist and return to the starting position with control. Repeat the exercise, this time twisting to the left, reaching your right hand towards the outside of your left foot.