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Roll Over

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Pilates #PILATES #instruction #exercise

Instruction Roll Over

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting Position - Active starting position: supine - Spine in contact with the mat, lengthening through dynamic tension - Legs closed and extended toward the ceiling, feet in plantarflexion - Arms extended alongside the pelvis - Palms facing down Execution - Inhale - Exhale, extending the legs overhead toward the back wall, and roll the pelvis and spine off the mat until weight rests on shoulder blades - Inhale and open the legs shoulder width apart, dorsiflex the feet - With the exhalation, slowly roll through the spine vertebra by vertebra, returning to the starting position; circle the legs out to the sides and back to the starting position with legs together and feet in plantarflexion - From this position, (legs ca. 45°degree from vertical) repeat the movement approx. 3 times, before reversing the direction of movement - Inhale and open the legs shoulder width apart, feet in dorsiflexion - With the exhalation roll over - Inhale, close the legs and plantarflex the feet - Exhale, roll down with legs together