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Otwieranie książki

Book Opening

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Pilates #PILATES #instruction #exercise

Instruction Book Opening

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting Position - Lie on the right side with legs bent: 90° flexion at the hips and knees, arms straight and resting one on top of the other at shoulder level, in front of the body - Active starting position: spine elongated with dynamic tension, waist lifted away from the floor - Position the head with neck lengthened Execution - Inhale, during exhalation slide the left arm over the right hand, allowing the head to follow the rotation of the thoracic spine, gaze directed toward the floor (or dependent on mobility, also past the right shoulder toward the back of the room) - Inhale once more, circling the top arm toward the ceiling, and diagonally behind the body to the opposite side of the room while lengthening through the upper body; keep top knee over bottom knee, foot over foot - Exhale and rest the head and arm down - Inhale, lengthen and return to the starting position, exhale in the starting position