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Gorilla row ketllebell

Gorilla row ketllebell

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Gorilla row ketllebell

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: get into a standing position with your torso slumped. Your torso should be parallel or almost parallel to the floor. Legs slightly bent at the knees, lumbar spine should be straight and lower back muscles tight. Keep your arms straight and perpendicular to the floor. Place the Kettlebell (you can also place it on the floor if you are unable to stretch your hamstrings) so that it is perpendicular to your shoulder (hand under the shoulder). Movement: while holding the correct position, inhale and then pull the kettlebell vertically upwards, pointing towards your hips. At the same time, bring your shoulder blades as close to your spine as possible. Stop the movement for a fraction of a second once the kettlebell is close to your hips. Exhaling, slowly lower the kettlebell to the starting position. Set it down on the floor/raise. Then perform the movement with your other hand. Perform the exercise slowly, with a full sense of the muscle group involved. Try to keep your back straight while performing the exercise. Try to perform the movement by working your shoulder blades firmly.Repeat the exercise a designated number of times at an appropriate pace.