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Push-ups with clapping

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Push-ups with clapping

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position : -Front support -Torso straight, arms perpendicular to the body axis, palms in line, parallel to each other, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. -Legs straight, feet together. Execution : -Maintaining the correct starting position,inhale,then bending your arms at the elbows,lower your chest to the ground.Ensure that your torso is in a straight line at all times and that your hips do not drop. -Then, by dynamically extending your arms, lift your body, bounce your arms off the ground and try to clap your hands together. Exhale during this movement. -When landing, cushion your hands firmly and lower your body for the next repetition. -Control the movements you perform at all times. -Position upright, abdomen and buttocks tight. -Breathe properly. -Make sure you are able to perform this exercise.