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Krokodyl (Burpees)

Crocodile (Burpees)

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Crocodile (Burpees)

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position : Feet shoulder width apart, set flat Body weight transferred to heels (do not pull away from the ground) Back straight,torso tight,head in a natural position,gaze facing forward. Execution : From an upright position, make a bend and, supporting yourself with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, throw your legs back, moving to a forward push-up and perform a dynamic push-up. Then, using the dynamic force from the arm extension, lift the hips high, bringing the knees back to the chest, then straighten the torso. Perform an upward jump, straightening your arms above your head As you fall, move to a supported squat, starting the next repetition.