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Barbell hip thrust

Barbell hip thrust

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Barbell hip thrust

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: sit in front of a straight bench or box about 30-45cm high, and rest your back at shoulder height. Position your legs so that at the moment of maximum tension the angle at the knees is 90 degrees. Bend your legs on the ground, positioned in a slight straddle no wider than the width of your biorer. Feet pointing straight ahead. Place the weight on your hips and use your arms to hold the barbell. Movement: Inhale into the diaphragm, tuck the pelvis, maintaining the correct body position, lift the hips up high, keeping the torso in isometric tension. Hold your hips at the extreme top position for half a second without crossing the body line, your head is an extension of your spine. At a slow pace, return to the starting position, lowering your hips towards the ground so that you put your weight/hips down to the floor.