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Romanian deadlift DB/KB

Romanian deadlift DB/KB

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Romanian deadlift DB/KB

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position- place your feet hip-width apart, go low to grasp the KB/DB nachywyt, pull your shoulder blades together, stabilise your core, keep your head as an extension of your spine and lift in a classic deadlift KB/DB movement pushing off your feet and straightening your torso by pushing your hips out after the barbell passes your knees. Movement: After straightening up slowly and making sure your position is stable, take an inhale and begin the DB/KB lowering movement by gently bending your legs at the knees and leaning straight forward with your torso without lowering your hip position. Lower the DB/KB as close to your body as possible only until your shoulders are level with the height of your hips. At your lowest point, clench your glutes tightly and lift yourself up by pushing your hips out towards the DB/KB and return to the upright/baseline position by exhaling. Repeat the exercise a designated number of times at an appropriate pace.