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Overhead barbell press

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Overhead barbell press

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: 1) Stand in a stable position with the barbell in your hands 2) By bending your arms upwards lift the barbell so that it is at upper chest level OR 1) Place the barbell on the racks at chest level 2) Grasp the barbell with your hands and place it at upper chest level Movement: 1)Take a gasp of breath and tighten your abdominals 2) Straighten your arms overhead, bring your elbows to an angle of about 45 degrees in contact with your body Tips: 1) try not to lean backwards 2) keep your abdominal muscles under constant tension to prevent excessive strain on the lumbar spine 3) try not to throw your weight upwards by bending and straightening your knees.