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Dumbbell press lying on a stepladder

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Dumbbell press lying on a stepladder

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position : Lying position on a stepladder (preferably stacked pairs on top of each other so they can replace an exercise bench) or just a horizontal bench. Hold the dumbbells up, with your shoulders shoulder-width apart and your wrists turned so that your thumbs are pointing towards your head (hammer-neutral grip). Execution : -Maintaining the correct starting position, slowly lower the barbells to the area around the middle of your chest. Inhale as you lower the barbell. -Then begin to lift the barbell, and at the end of the movement exhale. -At the highest point, pause for a fraction of a second and then begin to lower the dumbbells with an inhalation. -The rate of lowering should be 2x slower than the rate of pressing. -Maintain constant muscle tension. -Do not overstretch the elbow joint. -Try not to force the weight upwards, and "push" away from the weight as if you were going to stick your whole body into the bench. -Do the designated number of repetitions.