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OHP (Wyciskanie hantli nad głowę stojąc)

OHP (overhead dumbbell press, standing)

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction OHP (overhead dumbbell press, standing)

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position : -Standing position,back straight,legs hip-width apart for a stable stance. -Rise your arms so that the dumbbells are at head/shoulder height. -Fingers facing forward, elbows in line with wrists. Execution : -Maintaining the correct starting position, take an inhalation and then lift your arms with simultaneous extension at the elbow joints and press the dumbbells overhead. -The movement follows a triangle.The dumbbells descend inwards as they are overhead. -Pause the movement for a moment at the end,then slowly lower the dumbbells while inhaling. -Do the prescribed number of repetitions. -Maintain constant muscle tension