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Seated overhead dumbbell press

Seated overhead dumbbell press

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Seated overhead dumbbell press

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: Sitting position on a bench. Back pressed against the backrest. Legs firmly planted on the floor. Raise your arms so that the dumbbells are at shoulder height. Fingers pointing forward, elbows are in line with wrists. Movement: holding the correct starting position, inhale, then lift the arms with the elbows straight at the same time and press the dumbbells overhead. The movement follows a triangle, i.e. the dumbbells descend inwards as they are overhead. Pause the movement for a moment at the final stage, then slowly lower the dumbbells with a smooth exhalation. Repeat the exercise a designated number of times at an appropriate pace.