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Twist in straight sit Marichyasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Twist in straight sit Marichyasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Seated twisting position Performance instructions: Sit in a straight-backed sit-up - ischial tuberosities on the floor, lower limbs connected. Bend the right knee, place the foot close to the buttock but do not touch the inner edge of the foot to the opposite thigh. Grasp the right knee with the left hand, lift the right upper limb above the head. Twist the torso to the right and lower the right hand to the floor so that it is in line with the spine and the elbow of the right limb is bent. Push off with both hands to twist to the right, starting with the lower back. The ischial tuberosities remain evenly weighted against the floor. The left leg is still active and compact, the knee is straight and looking at the ceiling, the foot vertical. For a deeper twist, rest not your hand but your elbow against the right knee. Repeat on the other side.