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Adho mukha kapotasana

Pigeon Adho mukha kapotasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Pigeon Adho mukha kapotasana

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Exercise description

Aim for a lying down position with a forward bend Performance instructions: Get into a supported kneeling position. Raise both knees and lift the right leg higher and position the right knee between the hands. The right foot is on the outside edge or back and its heel is touching or pointing towards the left hip - to the left edge of the mat. Retract the left lower limb across the mat as far as possible - the left knee and the back of the left foot touching the mat centrally from the front. With both hips, anterior superior iliac spines, point symmetrically towards the front short edge of the mat. Rest your hands on your fingertips next to your hips. Leaving your hips down, push off upwards with your hands to lift from the waist upwards. Roll your shoulders outwards, lengthening the front of your torso. Do a deep free bend so that the abdomen and chest lie on the front leg. Place your hands under your forehead, relaxing your whole body.