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Ardha Navasana

Half-twist Ardha Navasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Half-twist Ardha Navasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Symmetrical sitting position Performance instructions: Sit in a straight-backed sit-up - ischial tuberosities on the floor, lower limbs connected. Grasp the gluteal muscles and pull them back and to the sides. Knees and toes point towards the ceiling. Bring the backs of the lower limbs closer to the floor. Place your hands on the floor on your fingertips at your hips. Withdraw and lower shoulders, shoulder blades and elbows. Lengthen the front of the torso - lift the navel, sternum, lower the chin slightly, lift the top of the head. Bend your legs at the knees so that you are grasping below the knees with your hands. Raise your shins so that they are horizontal, i.e. parallel to the floor. Straighten your upper limbs at the elbows. Strengthen the back, abdomen and legs. Separate your hands from your legs. Straighten the upper limbs parallel to the floor, right at the thighs. Lengthen the spine by lifting the navel, sternum and top of the head to the ceiling. You can gently rest your feet on an elevation, such as the seat of a chair.