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Cricket Salabhasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Cricket Salabhasana

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Purpose: Backward bend, symmetrical, from lying on the stomach. Performance instructions: Lie on your stomach on the floor with your legs joined. Rest your forehead on the floor, bring your chin close to your sternum, lengthen the back of your neck. Place your hands along your torso, with the insides of your palms facing the floor. Roll your thighs inwards, tuck your tailbone under, press your pubic bone to the floor, relax your buttocks. Lift the shoulders, move the shoulders away from the ears, lengthen the sides of the neck, bring the shoulder blades closer to the spine. Lift your chest and abdomen above the floor, relaxing your abdominals and buttocks. Breathe deeply. You can include lifting your thighs above the floor - knees straight, buttocks tight.