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calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Uttanasana

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Exercise description

Aim: Standing position, symmetrical, forward bend. Performance instructions:: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Feel that you are standing on your whole feet - the centres of your heels, the bases of your little toes and the bases of your toes. Toes extended. Rest your hands on your upper thighs at your groin. Do a deep bend lowering your torso to horizontal, push off your feet with your palms. Keep your legs straight and your spine long - the top of your head reaching forward and your hips back, elbows and shoulders raised so that your back is strong and tight. Tighten the thighs in front, lift the buttocks even higher, lower the palms onto the tibias, push off the tibias and then lower the palms. Use your fingertips to support your hands under your shoulders. Keep tensing your legs, lengthening the back of your thighs, lengthening your spine, relaxing your abdominals. Move your hands to the back of your calves, do a deeper bend relaxing your abdomen and extending your elbows outwards. Draw your torso towards your thighs.