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Adho Mukha Virasana

Japanese bow Adho Mukha Virasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Japanese bow Adho Mukha Virasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Symmetrical pose with a forward lean Performance instructions: Move to a supported kneeling position. The knees are under the hips and the backs of the feet are on the mat. The hands are under the shoulders. Link your toes and extend your knees across the width of the mat. Sit back on your heels and feel your ischial tuberosities pressing against your heels. Grasp your gluteal muscles, move them sideways and backwards to feel the ischial tuberosities on your heels even more clearly. Grasp one knee, then the other and gently lift it to relax and stretch the muscles at the front of the tibia. Relax the abdomen. Bring your fingertips to the mat in front of your knees, then do a deep hip-only bend with your spine straight. Gradually bring your hands forward and do not pull your buttocks away from your heels. If this starts to happen, stick your palms with the whole surface to the mat and push off the mat to sit more clearly with your buttocks on your heels. Your palms are shoulder width apart. Lower your torso, chest and abdomen. Place your forehead on the mat or on your ankle (if you feel tension in your neck, neck or head). With your ribs touching your inner thighs, keep your hands active - push off the mat all the way and settle your buttocks into your heels. Bring the right hand further forward, the left hand forward, finally the head forward. Let both sides of the torso and spine lengthen. Relax the lower limbs, abdomen and spine. Lower your chest, but continue to push your hands off the mat - buttocks touching your heels.