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calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Savasana

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Purpose: Relaxation lying position Performance instructions: Lie on your back and cover with a blanket. Bring your heels forward and hip-width apart, release tension from your lower limbs. Stretch the gluteal muscles out to the sides, feel the cross against the mat. Relax your glutes. Spread your shoulder blades wide and flat. Move your hands towards your feet - this will move your shoulders away from your ears. Release tension from the upper limbs. Bring the chin close to the sternum - the throat is soft, the neck is elongated. Release tension from the abdomen, chest and back. Relax your face and jaws. Focus on your breathing - do inhalation with your nose, exhalation with your nose. Let your whole chest and abdomen rise.