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Tree Vrksasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Tree Vrksasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: A standing, asymmetrical, balancing position to strengthen the lower limbs and postural muscles, improving hip mobility. Performance instructions: Stand in the centre of the mat with your feet joined by the inner edges. Shift your body weight onto your right foot. Feel that you are standing on the base of your toe, the base of your little toe and the centre of your heel. Reach your left leg with your hand - grasp your shin and place your foot vertically on your inner right thigh. The sole of the foot makes contact with the inner edge of the thigh. The foot is positioned with the toes towards the floor, the hips pointing evenly forward, the torso and chest looking forward - therefore the knee will not be visited perfectly parallel to the long edge of the mat. The leg you are standing on is strong, giving the impression of being the floor for the raised leg. Lower your arms along your torso and then lift them in a wide arc high above your head. The upper limbs are spionised, palms facing inwards. Lower your shoulders, shoulder blades and chin, relax your face and breathe deeply. With inhalation lengthen the spine and strengthen the stance leg. Change sides.