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Girland Malasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Girland Malasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: A symmetrical low squat position to improve hip and ankle mobility Performance instructions: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Gently spread the toes outwards so that the inner edges of your feet form a trapezoid with the shorter side between your heels. Do a deep squat so that your knees and hips bend as much as possible. The back of your thighs touch your calves. Place your elbows on your inner knees, bring the insides of your hands together, with your forearms pointing parallel to the floor. Push your knees apart with your elbows, pressing your palms together. Also push yourself upwards so that you lengthen your spine, sides of your torso, abdomen and chest. The hips are heavy and tend towards the ground and the spine is light and growing. Lengthen it through the top of the head on an upward slant. Relax the abdomen, feet, calves and thighs. Push your shoulder blades forward towards your sternum, move your shoulders away from your ears, extend your head from between your shoulders. With inhalations lengthen and with exhalations relax the abdomen leaving the spine long. Relax your lower limbs. If your heels are high or you are not maintaining a comfortable balance, sit gently with your ischial tuberosities - the bones of your buttocks - slightly elevated.