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Camel Ustrasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Camel Ustrasana

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Aim for a symmetrical kneeling position with a back bend Performance instructions: Kneel with knees, shins and feet hip-width apart. Place a wrapped mat or blanket under your knees. This will avoid excessive pressure on the kneecaps. Keep your feet sprung up, positioned on curled toes and toe bases. Place your hands on your hips closer to your cross. Tighten the glutes - this will straighten the groins. Push your hips forward. Keep your thighs vertical at all times. Lower your shoulders, shoulder blades and elbows. Roll your shoulders outwards. Feel your abdomen expand. Feel the chest is long and wide. Keep your gaze forward at all times, throat relaxed. Lengthen the front of the torso going into a deeper and deeper bend. Keep your hips above your knees, don't lean from your knees up over your calves. Rest your hands on your heels one at a time. Push yourself forward and upwards. Breathe deeply. To come out of the position bend your hips slightly and push off from your feet with your hands, then move to a kneeling position. As a relaxing counterposition, perform cat's back in supported kneeling.