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Swastikasana/Sukhasana Parsva Swastikasana/Sukhasana

Cross-legged sit and twist in cross-legged sit Swastikasana/Sukhasana Parsva Swastikasana/Sukhasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Cross-legged sit and twist in cross-legged sit Swastikasana/Sukhasana Parsva Swastikasana/Sukhasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Asymmetrical seated twisting position. Performance instructions: Sit on a mat in a classic cross-legged sit-up. Grasp your gluteal muscles - extend them sideways and backwards so that you are clearly sitting on both ischial tuberosities pressing your body weight from above equally on the left and right sides of your glutes. Extend your feet towards the edge of the mat so that they try to come under your knees. Extend your shins forward so that your heels are away from your buttocks. Grasp your calves and lift them up gently with your hands and release - this will relax your knees. Place your hands on your thighs or on your knees and gently push upwards with your palms and your ischial tuberosities lengthening the front and back of your torso. Lower the shoulders and elbows, gently withdraw the shoulders, bring the shoulder blades together, lift the navel, sternum and top of the head. The chin is directed gently towards the sternum to keep the throat relaxed and the neck stretched. To change the leg weave rest the back fingertips on the floor behind you, lean back and change the position of the lower limbs. To perform a cross-legged sit-up twist lift both arms, forearms and shoulders high above your head. Then twist your torso freely to the right, relax your abdomen and only lower your shoulders. When turning to the right, drop your left hand onto your right knee and your right hand onto the floor behind your back, quite close to your back, in line with the mat and our spine so that your elbow is bent. Push off with the ischial tuberosities, the hand on the knee and the hand on the mat so as to lengthen the spine and then with an exhalation on a soft abdomen twist the torso more firmly to the side. The shoulders are lowered and remain at one level. You start to twist from the bottom of the spine - first the sacrum, then the lumbar region, the thoracic region and, if it is comfortable and convenient for you, you also twist the cervical region and head. With each inhalation you lengthen the spine and with the exhalation you relax the abdomen. Your legs remain soft and your face relaxed.