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Supta baddha konasana
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Supta baddha konasana Lying down planted angle

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Supta baddha konasana Lying down planted angle

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Exercise description

Purpose: Symmetrical lying down position Performance instructions: Lie on your back with your lower limbs straight. Then bend your legs at the knees bringing your feet close to your buttocks. Keep your heels close to your buttocks, soles of your feet connected, outer edges of both feet on the floor. Gradually relax the buttocks and entire lower limbs by yielding to gravity and lowering the thighs and knees towards the floor. With inhalations lengthen the spine, with exhalations relax the buttocks, abdomen and lower limbs. Place your hands on the backs at the sides of your hips. You can perform the whole pose lying on a thick blanket or roller rolled up along your spine, with your head placed higher. In this variant, the buttocks are on the floor just in front of the aid used. This variant will stretch more intensely and increase pelvic mobility without stressing the lumbar spine.