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Virabhadrasana I

Warrior I Virabhadrasana I

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Warrior I Virabhadrasana I

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Exercise description

Purpose: Standing position with back bend, asymmetrical, to strengthen the lower limbs and stretch the hip flexors. Performance instructions: Stand hip width apart in the centre of the mat with your front facing the short edge of the mat. Step forward with your right foot and step back with your left foot so that both feet are pressed all the way to the floor, hip-width apart, toes pointing towards the short edge of the mat. The stride is comfortable enough so that the back heel is tight against the mat. Place your hands in your groin area. All the time pointing your torso towards the short edge of the mat, lengthen your spine, pressing your back leg against the mat. Slightly bend the front leg at the knee so that the knee is over the heel. Shift your body weight even more clearly onto the back leg. Lower your arms along your torso. With an inhalation, lift your arms above your head. Feel the stretch in the groin of the back leg. Lower your shoulders and shoulder blades. Withdraw the right hip. With an inhalation lengthen the body and gently with an exhalation lower the hips, lengthen the front of the torso and move into a gentle bend in the lumbar spine, without lifting the hips or straightening the front leg. With another inhale return to vertical, then repeat on the other side.