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Utthita trikonasana

Triangle Utthita trikonasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Triangle Utthita trikonasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Asymmetric standing position Performance instructions: Stand with a wide straddle facing the long edge of the mat. The length of the stride is approximately the length of your one lower limb. Point your toes inwards and your heels slightly outwards. Press the outer edges of your feet together, pushing the outer ankles outwards. Twist the right foot with the toes towards the short edge of the mat - the inside edge of the foot is pointing parallel to the long front edge of the mat. Keep your legs straight, tighten your thighs, pressing the whole surfaces of your feet against the mat. Turn your torso evenly towards the front, i.e. towards the long front edge of the mat. Raise your arms to the horizontal and palms facing the floor. Raise your right arm higher so that your shoulder becomes an extension of the upper right side of your torso. Begin to lean with your right side and right arm towards your right thigh. Legs are strong and straight. The groin softens and bends strongly, your side approaches the femur. Stretch your side and shoulder. Feel the inside of your right leg, press down on your left leg. When you feel that you can't do a side bend any deeper, lower your right hand and rest it on the tibia anywhere - but not on the knee joint. Feel that you are steadily resting your hand on the tibia and push away from the tibia so that you lift your torso, lengthen your lower side further, tucking your groin deeper into you. Move the groin away from the armpit, tighten the right thigh, straighten the right knee. Raise the left hand vertically to the ceiling - let the left upper limb be an extension of the right upper limb. The fingers of the upper hand are spread wide apart. The palm of the lower hand presses against the tibia - transfer this force to the upper hand and feel the chest stretch. Push the lower glute forward so that you feel the entire inner lower right limb. Withdraw the upper hip so that you can feel the upper hip - as it stretches, lengthen the left leg from above. Press the outer edge of the left foot against the mat. Check you don't tighten your neck and nape, look straight ahead, chin pointing gently towards your sternum. Imagine your whole spine to be one natural line. Your throat is relaxed. Check that both sides are the same length - lower the lower side, lengthen it, lower the upper side, flatten it out. With each inhalation, strengthen and lengthen and with each exhalation, relax the abdomen and settle steadily into position. This is a frontal plane position, so imagine your whole body at the back resting against a flat surface and your whole body against it. When you want to lift yourself up to the starting position strengthen your legs strongly and lift yourself up in one decisive movement with an inhalation.