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calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Sphinx

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Purpose: Backward bend, symmetrical Performance instructions: Lie on your stomach along the mat in the middle of the mat. Place your elbows under your shoulders. Roll your forearms and hands outwards so that in front of you, a trapezoid is formed from your forearms and the space between your elbows and hands, with the shorter side closer to your abdomen. The insides of your hands and forearms tightly against the mat. Position your feet on the backs of your hands and spread your heels outwards. Lengthen your legs by lifting your knees and moving your feet backwards on the mat. Roll your thighs inwards so that you can feel the relaxation in the sacroiliac region of the spine at the sacroiliac joints. Curl your tailbone and press your pubic bone into the mat. Relax your buttocks, push back with your elbows, forearms and palms off the mat forward lengthening the front of your torso, abdomen and chest and therefore your spine. Then push upwards moving into a deeper bend in the lumbar spine. Also push back with your forearms and whole hands with fingers spread wide apart. Rotate the shoulders outwards, bringing the shoulder blades closer together, relaxing the abdominals. Shoulders point away from the earsa space between the shoulders and ears makes the neck long. The chin gently points towards the sternum, making the neck extended and relaxed. Breathe deeply.