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Parivrtta parśvakonasana

Twisted angle Parivrtta parśvakonasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Twisted angle Parivrtta parśvakonasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Asymmetrical standing twisting position in low step out Performance instructions: Stand hip-width apart at the front of your mat, toes pointing towards the short edge of the mat. Shift your body weight onto your left leg. Step your right leg away and take a long stride backwards with it. Feet still standing hip-width apart, toes, knees and hips looking forward to the short edge of the mat. The back right foot rests on the toes and on the bases of the toes. Rest your right hand on the floor under your right shoulder, rest your left hand on your left thigh. Straighten the right back knee by tensing the front of the right thigh and straighten the right hip by tensing the right buttock. Keep the left ribs glued to the thigh and the left armpit glued to the knee. Lengthen the left side across the thigh. Raise the right arm in front of you, parallel to the floor, extend the right side of the torso. Point the right elbow at the opposite left knee, place it on the outer left thigh close to the knee. Bring the insides of your hands together, pressing your palms firmly against each other. Push off with the elbow from the thigh, returning the torso to the bent knee. Lengthen the spine, lower the shoulders, twist the torso, relax the abdomen, push off with the elbow up and into the twist. Don't hinge on the shoulder. You can lower your right knee by resting it on the floor.