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calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Paschimottanasana

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Aim for a symmetrical sit-up prone. Performance instructions: Sit in a straight-backed sit-up - ischial tuberosities on the floor, lower limbs connected. Grasp the gluteal muscles and pull them back and to the sides. Knees and toes point towards the ceiling. Bring the backs of the lower limbs closer to the floor. Place your hands on the floor on your fingertips at your hips. Withdraw and lower shoulders, shoulder blades and elbows. Lengthen the front of the torso - lift the navel, sternum, lower the chin slightly, lift the top of the head. Push yourself slightly off the floor with your fingertips, feel the position is compact and stable. Relax your abdomen while maintaining a long spine and, with an exhalation, do a hip flexion. Gradually move your arms forward about the sides of your legs. Observe your abdomen and groin - they are soft. Observe your back - it is strong and upright. If you can grab your calves or feet and lengthen your spine, use the strength of your arms to pull yourself with your belly, ribs and chest to your legs. The head is in a neutral position. If you want to deepen the prone extend your elbows sideways drawing your torso towards your thighs. You can use a strap - put it behind your feet, grip it with your hands, extend your elbows and draw your torso towards your thighs - all the while keeping your legs strong and straight, back straight and abdomen relaxed. Withdraw the shoulders from the ears, the throat is tension-free, the breathing is relaxed. You can place a pillow/blanket/shaft on the front of your thighs to give your spine support.