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Utthita parśvakonasana

Stretched Angle Utthita parśvakonasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Stretched Angle Utthita parśvakonasana

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Aim for an asymmetrical standing position in a low step-up Performance instructions: Stand straddling the width of your one lower limb. With your toes pointing slightly inwards and your heels outwards, press the outer edges of your feet against the mat. Turn your right foot with the toes towards the short edge of the mat and the inside edge of the foot is parallel to the long edge of the mat. The torso faces forward. Raise your arms to horizontal, palms facing the floor. Bend the right leg at the knee so that the knee is over the heel. Bend your right elbow and place your right forearm close to your knee on your right thigh. Lower your hips, keeping an eye on the inward rotation of the knee. If you feel you can do a longer stride, do it so that the right knee is at a right angle, but the left foot is still against the outside edge of the mat. Push upwards from the knee with your elbow so that the shoulder is away from the elbow and away from the ear and the neck is long, throat relaxed. Withdraw the right hip from the right knee (bent) - let the femur be long, the right lower side is also long. Move the armpit away from the groin. Push away from the knee not only upwards, but also pointing your torso slightly backwards so that you return your abdomen and chest to the long edge of the mat. Raise your left hand and twist your palm towards your face and then bring your arm over your head. Retract your shoulder and scapula so that your shoulder moves away from your ear (left this time) so that there is more space on the other side of your neck. Press the left foot against the mat, lift the left arm more firmly in the opposite direction so that the lower limb, torso and upper limb form a single line. Withdraw the right hip, press the outside foot to the mat, lower the hips, create an acute angle in the right hip, bring the right knee slightly outwards. Feel the inner thigh muscles stretch. All the time push off the knee upwards and slightly backwards. Take care to keep both sides of the torso long. This is a frontal plane position, so imagine your whole body at the back resting against a flat surface and your whole body against it.