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Sumo deadlift

Sumo deadlift

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Sumo deadlift

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: Stand in front of the barbell in a very wide stance with your feet pointing outwards. Keep your knees bent over your feet, making sure they do not point inwards. Keep your back straight and lean about 45 degrees to the floor. Hold the barbell shoulder-width apart, close to the shins. Keep your shoulder blades pressed together and your head should be an extension of your spine. Movement: Inhale deeply into the diaphragm and tense the abdominal muscles firmly to activate the abdominal compression. Keep the torso in isometric tension. Keeping your body in the starting position, start the movement by straightening at the hips, at the same time begin to straighten your knees slightly. Bring your hips and knees to full extension and do not tilt your body back. Maintain the fully upright position for one second, then drop the barbell in a calm, controlled movement, maintaining the same body position as when lifting. Repeat the exercise a prescribed number of times at an appropriate pace.