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Cossack squat with weight

Cossack squat with weight

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Cossack squat with weight

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight in front of your chest, elbows locked, abdominals and glutes tight. Movement: Standing in the starting position, inhale into your diaphragm. Then begin the squat by thrusting your hips back and transferring your weight to one leg. Continue the movement until you have performed a full squat on the stance leg or until you have stretched the other leg very strongly. Then, by straightening at the knee and working the hip powerfully forward, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise a designated number of times at an appropriate pace.