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Pompki wąskie na triceps (Diamentowe Pompki)

Triceps push-ups (Diamond Push-ups)

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in General workout #GENERAL_WORKOUT #instruction #exercise

Instruction Triceps push-ups (Diamond Push-ups)

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Exercise description

Starting position : -Frontside support,palms placed narrowly against each other so that a triangle (diamond) is formed between them -Body in one line,abdomen and buttocks tight. Exercise : -Breathe in, maintaining the correct starting position, start bending your arms, lowering your chest towards your hands. -Don't lie down on the floor, pause for a fraction of a second at your lowest point, then return to the starting position with vigorous arm movement, exhaling at the same time. -Control the movement during the exercise and keep your elbows close to your body. -Keep your feet firmly on the floor. -Keep an upright posture, tensing your abdominal and gluteal muscles firmly. -Do the designated number of repetitions.