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calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Pilates #PILATES #instruction #exercise

Instruction Scarecrow

kettlebell smiling icon

Exercise description

Starting Position - Active starting position: prone - Curl the tailbone slightly in - Reach the sitting bones toward the heels - Legs hip width apart and parallel - Place the arms in U shape, thumbs pointing toward the ceiling Execution - Inhale and lift the forearms; keeping wrists long - Exhale and lift the elbows, keeping hands higher than the elbows - Inhale, extend the thoracic spine and lift the upper body - Exhale, straighten the arms, do not allow the upper body to sink lower - Inhale and bend the arms - Exhale, lower the upper body to the mat - Inhale placing the elbows down, finally - Exhale and place the forearms down