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Adho mukha svanasana

Downward Headed Dog Adho mukha svanasana

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Downward Headed Dog Adho mukha svanasana

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Exercise description

Aim: Inverted, symmetrical position, with support on the hands Performance instructions: Position yourself on a mat in a supported kneel - hands are positioned evenly under the shoulders and knees are evenly under the hips. Spread the toes of your hands as wide as possible, with the insides of your hands tightly against the surface of the mat. Curl the toes, placing the foot on the bases of the toes and on the toes, heels raised. Push back and up off the mat with your palms. Raise your knees above the mat and then your hips. Push off all the time with your palms so that your hips are as high as possible. The elbows are straightened, the shoulder-arm joints are extended and straight, the spine is extended and straight, the head and neck are relaxed, the cervical spine and neck are an extension of the rest of the spine. Once the spine is extended and the hips as high as possible, we straighten the knees and once again push off the mat with our hands so that we bring the ribs close to the thighs and not the other way round. Then try to lower your heels towards the floor - your heels don't necessarily have to lie on the floor, just aim for that. Feel that both sides of the torso are long. Feel that by lifting your hips towards the ceiling you are stretching the back of your legs. Feel that by lowering your heels to the floor you are stretching your calves and feet. Push off the mat with your hands all the while aiming your ribs towards your thighs. Your hips are the highest point in your body, your abdomen is relaxed and relaxed. You can vary the distance between your hands and feet so that you feel stable.