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Wojownik III
Virabhadrasana III

Warrior III Virabhadrasana III

calendar iconcalendar icon17/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Warrior III Virabhadrasana III

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Exercise description

Purpose: A standing position with a forward bend, asymmetrical, to strengthen the lower limbs, back and shoulders. Performance instructions: Stand in the centre of the mat with feet together. Your toes are pointing towards the short edge of the mat and your arms are lowered along your torso. Shift your weight onto your right leg. Lift the left leg in front of you, drawing the thigh towards the abdomen. In a wide arc at the sides of your torso, lift both arms above your head, keeping them close to your ears at all times. Tilt your torso to the horizontal without moving your arms and, at the same time, straighten your left leg and left hip so that your shin, thigh, back and shoulders are parallel to the floor. Align the position of the hips so that they are both at one level. Tense the glute of the lifted leg so that the hip is straight. Under control, return to the starting position, repeat on the other side.