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Side plank Vasistasana

calendar iconcalendar icon13/02/2024 in Yoga #YOGA #instruction #exercise

Instruction Side plank Vasistasana

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Exercise description

Purpose: Asymmetrical position, arm balances Performance instructions: Go to side plank from the forward plank you entered earlier from a supported kneel. Once you are in forward plank twist your whole body to the left side of your torso without changing the position of your left hand. The first version of the plank is to cross your thighs without moving your feet - left foot on the outside edge, right foot on the inside edge in front of the left foot. The right hand is raised vertically to the ceiling, the inside of the hand facing forward. While in plank on your left side, constantly push off the mat with your left hand so that your hips do not drop and your spine is one even line from your sacrum to the top of your head. Look evenly in front of you, chin pointing towards your sternum, don't lower your ear to your shoulder, lengthen your lower side moving your hip away from your armpit. Withdraw the shoulder from the ear, bring the shoulder blades closer together, stretch the space between the hands to feel the opening of the chest. Stretch between your palm and lower foot. Wanting to increase the intensity of the exercise, you can position your right foot on top of your left foot so that the two inner edges connect. Imagine that you are standing on the floor and your feet are even, strong and active. You can turn your upper arm with the palm of your hand towards your face and then bring your whole arm, forearm and hand over your head so that your upper limb is an extension of the side of your torso. Withdraw the shoulder away from the ear.